Trapped Together Version 1.1

Hello everyone!

My apologies for the delay, I've finally finished fixing bugs people brought up and have also added useful ideas people suggested in the comments across the platforms.

Here is the list as well as a short explanation per element.

. Fixed major character path crossing bug:

  This bug created quest repetition, character replication, sudden skipping in the adventure and in worse case scenarios breaking the game.

  I've decided to fix this issue by blocking access to the two problematic characters (Heather and Seiko). 

  This of course won't be the case for future parts (2-4) since I've learned from my mistakes. 

  However, in part 1, the only way to fix this is to essentially isolated to avoid the issue.

. Added a quest hub (to do list) mechanic:

  Press "q" to bring up a To do lit menu. This will simply list what objective you've started which will disappear once you've completed it.

  This can serve as a kinda spoiler free walkthrough, but I'd suggest avoiding it if you like to explore without any help.

. Adjusted mouse sensitivity:

  This was a major issue where some even said they felt nauseous. The movement is more responsive/direct/no delay which should remove any weird sensations.

.Better Walk/Run speed:

  I very much agreed with the general speed. I've slightly accelerated the walk speed, though it's still at a normal exploration game logic.

  I've made the run sensibly faster, keeping in mind that you're in  an apartment. It's much faster though.

.Doubled the amount of saves as well as more info when accessing (loading) them:

  10 saves instead of 5, each save has date and time to be able to more easily tell them apart.

. Highlight on quest specific objects/elements.

. Main menu UI writing is more visible:

  Someone mentioned difficulty reading the main menu writing. I at first wanted to do a menu highlighting selection thing, but clearer is better.

  Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

. Certain prompts were intractable though walls and ceilings:

  This also created some spoiling time skipping crap. Now fixed.

. Certain prompts/objects resetting:

  Example if the perpetually broken Weighing scale issue

. You are no longer alone once you've completed the girl's adventures.

Thank you all so much for bringing all of these to my attention. 

Please do not hesitate to help me make this a comfy experience (as well as all future titles, as corrections/suggestions will carry)

By letting me know of any bugs you come across.

This also concerns any spelling or "wrong character speaking" errors you may find. 

I'll just ask you to tell me exactly where so I can be quick at finding the error.

Cheers and enjoy,



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Feb 29, 2024
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Thanks for this great news and update 😃


You're most welcome, cheers  :)

Great stuff!


Thank you  :)