A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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!Warning! This game contains kinks such as inflation, body inflation and beyond.  If these aren't your cup of tea, please do give those who enjoy them the natural courtesy of discretion.

Available for PC and Mac!

The latest version (1.1) is out!

!Check out the Dev Log!

A late shift in an air tank factory. But something crazy has happend! 

Try to figure out how and what to do next. Explore the facility and solve the puzzle of these mysteriously kinky events.

  • A well crafted 3D environment where you are free to explore in first person.
  • High quality models, animation and graphics that enhance your experience compared to the original installment.
  • An expansive UI to make sure the game can run on most machines.

This game is free for all to enjoy, however feel free to  set your on price, knowing that any contribution will help me build  many future KBN Game titles.




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Click download now to get access to the following files:

HowTo_PleaseRead.txt 310 bytes
TheStorageAccident_PC_V1.1.rar 573 MB
TheStorageAccident_MacOS_V1.1.rar 578 MB
VisualHowTo.jpg 387 kB

Development log


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Cannot for the life of me figure out how to trigger the alternate ending that's mentioned after getting one of the endings. 

Great game, have followed for future updates. 

Just confused as to if I am missing a last bit of content, whether I am dumb and missing something, or if there was a bug I don't know.

Once you've reached her "final size" interact with her tank one last time.

It's got the bad ending option, and one which just exits the menu

Maybe it didn't unlock properly, or is invisible?

I could try again

I see what you mean now. No you got them all. the first ending is simply getting to that final stage and leaving the building, other one is choosing to help her down early, last one is bad ending.

sweeet ty for your help <3

I was hoping to get to join in the fun ;3 

We need more inflation games for android!!! I would even spent money!!

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Hey. So I played the past iteration of this game and I loved it. This one.......broke my computer. I literally cannot play any other inde game or visual novel without my keyboard spamming the w button. I don't know why, but I don't know how to fix this. 

Apologies. Software bug in my keyboard. 

Very unlikely that it's the game as you are literally the only person out of a very large number who's brought this forward. From what I've seen after looking into it can be due to a windows update or the port of your device especially if it's bluetooth.

You are right. I am sorry for my comment. Turns out a software bug happened with my keyboard. I had been trying to fix it for over a day now and only recently fixxed it. 

I'm glad things worked out. I've personally always had issues with bluetooth or wireless (mouse or keyboard), I've gotten used to only using wired, they seam more reliable.

took me 3 HOURS to do what it could take just 5 minutes.
i love these ytpe of games but damn the dialogue is slow, even finished a whole game while waiting for the dialogues to finish, also the ´´tab´´ to skip the dialogues doesn´t works at all times, and a lot of objects doesn´t even have hitboxes
but ill consider replaying it in any update that fixes the dielogue stuff because it makes the game almost unplayable and absolutely not enojable (also love your last game, absolute masterpiece it is traped together)

pd. found a way to ´´speedrun´´ the game
just press alt on every dialogue, like the first one, the ones that can´t be skiped (like the second one) you just have to wait
but theres the 3rd type of dialogue, in which you can move while it appears, so in order to skip it, insted of waiting 10 minutes for the MC to say 3 words and then another 10 minutes to say 2 more, just run to the storage door and interct + tab, that way the last dialogue just skipps and you can continue the game

I'll be updating this at some point with extra stuff, I'll work on the dialogue speed then. I hope you'll enjoy the experience at that point, but in the mean time, thanks for giving it a try and letting me know.

Would you ever consider making a video where you play through it cause my computer can’t run it :(

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It's pretty cool, runs much better on my machine than the original, the graphics settings were much appreciated. Also being able to physically interact with Sophie is an awesome upgrade. 

I was just wondering, with options such as "Go further" is there a way to let the animation loop by itself without having to repeatedly click the option?

Thank's, I very much appreciate it.

game's rather buggy. skipping the starting dialogue on the whiteboard and laptop soft-locked me, and the dialogue is MEGA slow...

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"t" to unlock the cursor if skipped too quickly on laptop and white board... Yes, the dialogue is slow. I'll make sure to keep that in mind for future titles.

I have some issues with the game. When I want to go foreward, the first MC dialogue with the name of the game pops up and it wont let me do anything. Hope you can help me. Thanks!

It's the intro, it goes away after a few seconds.

I can't seem to get it to work on Mac. I'm not sure what the issue is since I do the usual work arounds for the games on this website. I have a 2022 Macbook Pro so I assume it could handle something from Unity

Not a Unity problem. I've been given this information that makes it work, but I need to fix it on my side and re-release the Mac version. You can give it a try in the mean time if you wish: The file in the /Contents/MacOs/  directory needs to be changed into a unix executable file.

Not to sound stupid but I'm not sure how to do that honestly. I have a pc at home so I'll just wait till I get home to try it. Thank you tho

You're most definitely not sounding stupid, I doubt it's an easy task. I'll be trying my best to find a solution before re-uploading a working Mac version asap.

(1 edit)

Actually version mac can run but need to use terminal to open 

First : extract file then drag to desktop (after make this run you can drag it back somewhere in folder)

Second :  Open terminal then type cd Desktop then enter

Third : Copy and paste this 

chmod +x TheStorageAccident_MacOS_V1.1.app/Contents/MacOS/'The Storage Accident'  

then enter and from now it should work 

all that's new is no saving and you can fix the leek. is there anything ells?

Fixed a few bugs that were bothering or actually breaking the game. But visually that's it.

Are the Flashlight, the leak and the Syringe red herrings in this so far or is there a use to them yet?  I have the Leave(good?), the disappointing, and the bad endings.  Just wondering if there's any more?

You're correct. Gotta keep in mind that this is a remake of an originally 2-5 minute game, just wanted to revive it a bit.

How do I get the leave ending?, do I just like the name implies and is it doable from the very beginning or just from a certain point in the game?

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Have gotten three endings so far, but curious if there's any lil secrets to be found- is there anything to do with the leaky water tank? or the various tire pumps?
EDIT: Wonderfully kinky and hot fun btw! enjoying this a TON

Loving what I'm seeing so far! Sophie looks incredible, its a fun situation, but I'm stuck now. I've pulled her down, taken things as far as I can, and hit the message that says to do something with the tank. 

There's the pin-thing in the locker (those don't have collision btw), but it has no prompt. I tried the whiteboard, the syringe, and the leak, but no luck.

Any chance i could get a hint?

Good! Now if you interact with the tank once again, you get the information that, maybe there's something that gives you more information which concerns this unique tank. And indeed it might have to do with that strange handle you noticed in the locker. Hint, not in the main area.

(1 edit)

someone know what to do after i pull down Sophie?

Are you still working on Trapped Together

Yes, part 2 is currently being worked on.

The Storage Accident V1.1 is available for download, Enjoy!

Amazing work. I hope you continue with the MC being androgynous, or at least have a female alt.  I love that you included feet and hands inflation. A surprising amount of creators don't. 

Thank you that's very kind of you to say. I'm glad I did this remake, I think it deserved more life. Thanks again  :)

For the life of me can't figure out what to do, found the syringe and the locker with nothing in it. Interacted with everything upstairs, the leak is there but nothing to attach it with. Loved your other game, can't make sense of this one

So what have you done so far, did you see you could interact with her tank, pull her down?

What looks like the thing in the locker cant be interacted with?

Yes, but you have to move forward in your interactions with Sophie to unlock the need to use it.

yeah I've done that, pulled her down and placed cement, played with her, but nothing to inflate her more

Well after that you go back to her and take things further. More than that, I feel I can't say, I don't want to spoil. I hope you understand.

How to set up the MacOS one? Or is it the same with the PC one.

Yes, I'm not a Mac user, but from what I've been informed in the tutorials, just unzip and it will be displayed as an app.

I've gotten more information about this, I'll be working on it asap.

Great game

Cheers  :)